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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Going Beyond...

I have my eyes closed and can feel my heart beating. Beating in almost syncrony to my breath. I see a huge ball of mass  almost a planet of huge size with a even more humongous disk of ice and rock rotating around it. I see a star.. bright ..really bright. Its rays reaching far and wide in the dark deep infinity of cosmos. It seemed like a bright torch in the dark.

Just then I notice a small pair of glittering golden wings fluttering in the emptiness of space.. gliding past this mammoth effortlessly. It paid no attention to this giant beauty instead flying nonchalantly..!!
This was a heavenly sight.. one that I would never forget....

What I have drawn here does no justice to what  I had seen. I even tried using crayon.. but still no where close. I guess I will try oil paint now to capture the beauty I had seen.

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